Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's Only Me and it's Awesome, Dude

For at least a week I have been absent from the blogosphere. I have been somewhat obsessively spending my time vicariously at Ulvescott, at St. Mark's College, Cambridge, and in Strelzen, Rothenia, in the company of a whole bunch of fictional characters. I don't make any promises about resurfacing, because I am now beginning to peruse the works which brought Rothenia to light. I'm also going back to the long narration that tells how come Jacko is in residence at Ulvescott. Let the reader understand.

P.S. I didn't include any links, but the works I refer to, although they contain explicit X-rated content, verge on being literary.


Anonymous said...

I ran across your blog when googling Ulvescott to see if it's a real place. I too am a fan, and am now about halfway through the sequel -- just leaving for Rothenia. I'm also keeping up with Tom Browning. I love the literary value. Joel and I drop a note to each other occasionally.

-- Paul
Roanoke, VA

Allen said...

I have exchanged emails with Joel once or twice. I'm also following Tom's slow progress.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Allen,

Joel lamented that he's having trouble getting Tom though Ashbourne. I suggested that Uncle Digby just might have need to send the boys to America on some errand. Don't know if that will happen, but it's a great story nonetheless. It all seems historically accurate. I've located most of the places on a modern map. Joel sent me a period map of London and I've tracked his tours around town (although I can't seem to find the Charles St. residence). Can you tell I'm a fan of period pieces?
I keep making guesses as to the field in which Joel was a don, but no luck so far. Any guesses from you?
Enjoy your day!


Allen said...


I haven't tried to find most of the places on maps, but I did try without success to place Kerslake.
There is an Alvescot in Oxfordshire, but I don't think that's the Alvescot where Jacko's father goes for the Sunday walks.

As for Joel's field, I suppose you;ve thought of Music, Mathematics, English and Languyages (Frencj or German). How about Classics or Theology?